Sunday, February 13, 2011


Today I attempted to water color for the first time this semester.  The only other time I've water colored was in gradeschool, where it's acceptable to suck, and in my visual communications class 2 years ago, where I did something abstract, like a line and a circle.  Today I tried to make Valentines.  I ended up just making a giant checkerboard of pink and purple squares that I plan to cut into individual pieces.  Unfortunately, my watercoloring is the caliber of a 2nd grader, and since there's art majors running around this place I am going to hide in studio and color hearts on them tonight.  Maybe I just won't sign them.

Recently at meal times it's been a battle to get seconds.  The only rule in the cafeteria is to wait until everyone has been served before refilling your table's platter.  People have been breaking that rule and running to the kitchen to get seconds like they're starving children, usually before my table has been served.  Tonight we're having french fries, so I expect a riot to break out.

Anyways, laundry is still wet on the line, so I don't know what I'm going to wear tomorrow....

Cara Marie

1 comment:

  1. Just so you don't think I'm creepy, I'm following your blog. I'm Laura's sister.

    Your writing is pretty funny. I laughed a lot while reading your blog tonight; the mafia restaurant guy was pretty hilarious. Oh and it totally blows that you have to handwash your clothes.

    I definitely think you should go to Greece for spring break. I have lots of suggestions since that's where I studied abroad.
